Why am I already logged in Hideez, and no authorization occurs when I access my web application?

When a user logs into a web application but has an open session in the Hideez Identity Cloud, they do not need to authenticate again because they have an active current session in the Hideez Identity Cloud. This session lasts for 30 minutes. Once the session in the Hideez Identity Cloud expires, when the user attempts to log into the web application, they will need to authenticate in the Hideez Identity Cloud again.

If the user wants to log out of their web application, they need to log out both from the web application and from Hideez Identity Cloud.

For SAML, the following additional logout settings (Single Logout) are possible:

  • If the web application you configured for SAML does not have Single Logout set up, logging out of the Hideez Identity Cloud will not log you out of your web application.

  • If the web application you configured for SAML has Single Logout implemented, logging out of the Hideez Identity Cloud will automatically log you out of your web application.

For OIDC, it is possible to configure logout from the web application as follows:

When the user logs out of the web application, they are redirected to Hideez Identity Cloud. The user will then be asked if they really want to log out of the web application, and afterwards, they will be redirected back to the web service where they will already be logged out.

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